Home » Introduction to SAP Commerce Cloud

Introduction to SAP Commerce Cloud

What is E-commerce:

First we have to understand what is E-commerce. If we separate this word, we can understand it very easily.


Commerce is also known as trade, that we do in daily life in market, in shops and in mall. But when we do shopping/trade through Internet using Laptop or mobile. This is called Electronic Commerce or E-commerce.
In this trade we do online transactions using internet. So Internet plays a very big role in E-commerce.

Why E-commerce:

Everyday for online Shopping we are using many websites like : Amazon, Ebay etc. These all are E-commerce websites where we can sell and purchase our products, this is how we do online trade or online commerce.

Which is called E-commerce, electronic commerce OR Online Trade.

Commerce Cloud (Hybris) 


Commerce Cloud

 Commerce Cloud Or Hybris is a SAP technology which provides us a platform/base of E-commerce website. By using this we can develop any E-commerce websites very easily and very fast.

SAP Commerce Cloud is a Java/J2EE based E-Commerce framework/suite which is bundled with a lot of open source tools/technologies like:


hybris is compatible with other application servers, database servers, search engines, DAM (Digital Asset Management).


hybris Old Logo

Hybris was a company and introduced its own product “hybris”.

They have started working for  E-commerce platform and developed a code base which can be used for developing any of the e-commerce project. Till 2009 it was well known framework/suit.

At the other side SAP introduced Web Experience Manager which failed to make an impression. SAP acquired hybris in 2014.Then it is called: SAP hybris.



In 2018 SAP re-branded “SAP hybris” into “SAP Commerce Cloud”.
Note : So we will use Commerce Cloud terms in our whole tutorials 

Compatibility with third-party software and platforms

This page lists the supported platforms for SAP Commerce Cloud. Please make sure to review them before installing SAP Commerce Cloud in a production environment.

Java version:


 Application Server

apache tomcat

Operating System for Bundled Apache Tomcat


Databases :


Search Engines           


Web browser for Backend & Admin UIs:
